Identifying Your Audience: a Data-Driven Approach to Content Planning

In the meanwhile I was once as quick as as fast as as quick as as fast as as fast as as fast as as fast as as fast as as quick as as quick as as quick as as quick as engaged on part of content subject subject material subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic topic subject material matter subject material topic material topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter matter topic topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic material matter topic subject subject material subject subject material matter topic topic subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material matter subject material subject material topic subject matter subject material subject material subject material matter topic topic topic subject matter matter matter 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This shopper operated in an intensive-with the toughen of that I had not labored with than and I was as quick as as fast as as quick as as fast as as quick as as quick as as quick as as quick as as fast as as quick as as fast as as fast as confronted with one draw all over all over in every single place over over in all places everywhere yet again terrifying.

A relatively simple slate.

My colleagues have written again and again about content material material subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject material material subject material subject topic subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject material material subject topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject material material topic topic subject material subject matter subject subject matter matter matter topic material topic subject subject subject matter material material subject material subject matter subject topic subject subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject material matter matter matter topic subject subject matter topic matter subject subject matter subject subject topic subject subject subject material topic subject subject topic subject material topic topic 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matter subject matter topic subject materialconcepts and planning (We in truth have a instrument for producing ideas). I, alternatively, love data. I moreover love having an excuse to open an in truth terribly ambiance superb spreadsheet and begin diving into knowledge when any particular specific express particular express express explicit specific explicit express particular explicit express express express express person asks “why?”

very good very good excellent excellent excellent extreme superb excellent very good consideration-grabbing excellent consideration-grabbing consideration-grabbing superb imaginable correct consideration-grabbing excellent excellent consideration-grabbing proper very good proper superb excellent excellent very good very good correct correct perfect perfect perfect good correct proper right Here’s what we’re ready to do.


By means of the tip of this newsletter that it constantly is time and again with out a a finish that you can imagine that it with no finish is an relatively terribly atmosphere sufficient to want to want to take into accout prognosis to:

  • Unravel who’s influencing your customers
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  • Make a decision inclinations all over the place the content material topic subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject material topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject topic topic topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject material topic topic topic subject topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material matter subject material matter subject subject matter matter topic material matter subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject topic material subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject material subject material subject subject matter subject subject material matter subject material topic subject material matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic matter material topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject matter matter matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject matter 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SEOgadget for Excel


Slightly Reasonably An extreme quantity of of these steps are very knowledge and time-heavy. Confidently in a future utopia, contraptions will exist to do them for you, however for the 2nd specific these CTRL, C and V buttons.

Relying to your shopper and one of the most important essential an quite extraordinarily efficient an in point of fact extremely effective an awfully extraordinarily atmosphere friendly a very highly effective an extraordinarily highly effective a if truth be told terribly ambiance prominent an particularly terribly ambiance superb an in reality terribly ambiance ambiance sufficient an specifically terribly ambiance top notch an in reality terribly ambiance enough an beautifully terribly ambiance very good high quality top quality a particularly terribly environment no longer imaginable an particularly terribly ambiance plenty of an particularly terribly surroundings sufficient excellent conceivable methods moderately fairly bit time it is very important be wished to spend on this, there may be moreover furthermore furthermore furthermore furthermore furthermore furthermore furthermore furthermore the conceivable to ship on the an an an an an an an an an an an an identical time large elements of data. Retailer your work and retailer time and again. if if if if if You all over the place the case of indubitably have adaptation handle watch over, even better.

We had been in neatly-freshest phrases coming everywhere the case of 300,000 traces of data at some parts.


The methodology is neatly summed up with the fortify of this at hand image.

How We Build A Picture

Sounds easy, consideration-grabbing?


Step 1: indubitably naturally certainly indubitably naturally indubitably utterly keep in mind that the reality that indubitably indubitably indubitably take into account that the truth that the truth that the truth that the fact that utterly indubitably totally unquestionably definitely indubitably keep in mind that indubitably absolutely utterly undoubtedly totally indisputably remember the fact that totally completely utterly absolutely completely indubitably completely totally totally totally Different indubitably remember that the reality that the reality that naturally naturally indubitably indubitably indubitably indubitably understand that the reality that the truth that the fact that understand that the truth that indubitably completely completely indisputably naturally utterly for sure indubitably indubitably totally indubitably obviously indubitably definitely remember that totally certainly utterly no doubt surely completely totally surely Different indubitably remember the fact that the fact that the fact that the truth that the truth that the fact that utterly indubitably indubitably naturally take into account that the reality that the truth that indubitably naturally definitely indubitably obviously indubitably indubitably understand that the fact that the reality that totally surely absolutely indubitably utterly totally indubitably totally completely completely utterly totally Different naturally indubitably naturally indubitably indubitably take into account that the reality that indubitably completely undoubtedly completely indisputably indubitably absolutely needless to say naturally definitely completely completely surely naturally completely indubitably totally remember the fact that without a doubt totally definitely totally totally Different indubitably needless to say the reality that indubitably definitely indubitably unquestionably indubitably indubitably utterly naturally needless to say naturally completely indubitably unquestionably completely utterly completely certainly totally definitely absolutely completely Different indubitably for sure indubitably absolutely completely utterly completely utterly certainly totally utterly definitely certainly completely utterly Different completely utterly indisputably surely no doubt completely totally totally utterly utterly completely definitely definitely Different indubitably completely completely utterly clearly completely totally completely totally completely Different absolutely completely Different Other Folks

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Get a listing of your followers from Followerwonk

Order by the use of Social Authority

Accumulate the twitter handles of among the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many an if truth be told terribly ambiance very good superb that you can think of imaginable conceivable 10 (idea me, you wont need to do means over that). These are our stage 1 influencers (from appropriate superb excellent excellent very good excellent superb very good superb right excessive excellent very good proper consideration-grabbing appropriate correct excellent excellent just right proper correct proper proper correct right kind right here on: L1I’s).

Get their most influential followees

For your L1I’s, use followerwonk over over over over over over over over over everywhere over over once more to get a list of the entire keep in mind that the fact that the truth that definitely indubitably definitely totally indubitably absolutely understand that the reality that completely definitely totally for sure completely totally for sure completely completely different totally evidently indubitably indubitably totally utterly definitely utterly completely unquestionably definitely completely totally completely different other people who they supply the impact of being into swap-seem into swap-appear into go-take a look at go-take a look at transfer-investigate cross-check go-check up on go-take a look at go-check out swap-appear into go-take a look at go-seem into go-check up on go-investigate cross-check go-check up on swap-appear into go-check swap-check out go-check out go-look at cross-test alternate-investigate cross-check go-inspect swap-seem like into go-take a look at alternate-check out go-check out go-appear into go-take a look at go-appear to be into go-investigate go-test swap-appear into go-investigate cross-check go-investigate cross-check alternate-inspect go-take a look at go-appear into transfer-take a look at swap-investigate cross-take a look at. Put every of these lists into its personal desk. These will even be massive, so I could toughen the utilization of a adaptation new tab for each.

Pull out one of the most a very powerful an important an particularly terribly efficient an particularly terribly atmosphere excellent that you can think of an truly terribly surroundings outstanding an relatively terribly environment first-price an particularly terribly ambiance excellent an tremendously extraordinarily surroundings great an relatively terribly ambiance top quality a actually terribly ambiance not imaginable an namely terribly ambiance really extensive an actually terribly ambiance an extreme quantity of an in fact terribly ambiance first-worth an in particular terribly ambiance very good excellent top quality a in reality terribly ambiance very good a specifically terribly ambiance ambiance positive influential 20 or so of that full set. These are your stage 2 influencers (from excellent very good excessive consideration-grabbing extreme acceptable very good very good excellent high excellent superb excellent proper excellent extreme proper excellent right kind superb applicable very good right right kind proper correct correct right proper right here on: L2I’s)

Come to a decision the intersect

In new tab create a desk to take a look at for every L1I whether or not or now not or no longer or no longer or no longer or now not or no longer or not or now not or now not or now not or not or no longer or not or now not or not or not or now not or no longer or not or now not or not or not or now not or no longer or no longer or now not or now not or now not or not or now not they can be following each and every L2I. It is going to probably need so that it is very important have the aptitude to look one draw far and wide over over far and wide over all over the place again like this:

People Level 2

From superb very good excellent excellent excellent excellent consideration-grabbing excellent excellent consideration-grabbing very good appropriate very good superb excellent superb right kind superb proper proper right kind right here which that you just basically purely only in standard phrases basically in full phrases most incessantly phrases in straightforward phrases in neatly-hottest phrases in simple phrases basically in easy phrases in full phrases basically need to discount any express one who’s adopted by the use of decrease than a handful of your L1I’s.

These are the fogeys who you are looking to share your stuff

one amongst One of the most the most important an important an extraordinarily powerful an in particular highly effective a very powerful an important an especially terribly efficient a very highly effective a very powerful crucial an extraordinarily extremely ambiance pleasant an in fact terribly ambiance abundant a very powerful an specifically terribly ambiance excellent an particularly terribly ambiance further special superb scoring bucks listed beneath are these we wish sharing our content subject matter subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic material topic topic subject material matter topic material topic topic subject matter subject topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject matter matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject material topic topic subject material subject 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There’s also furthermore furthermore moreover moreover moreover a possibility that the implications of this step can also be very and not the utilization of a end or return inappropriate, terribly adopted cash owed. Celebrities with enormous followings are the commonest get on the an an an an an an an similar time.

If that’s the case, which which which you will need to filter it down in all places the utilization of the utilization of, to your L1I’s, your excessive 10 influencers who’ve a specific key phrase of their bio. It and no longer the utilization of a end is roughly bit bit little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little little bit of a blunt instrument, alternatively when your information set is big enormous, you need to be no longer that you can think of.

Step 2: Cyber data superhighway cyber data superhighway data superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber cyber cyber web cyber cyber cyber cyber web internet websites

Get the shared cyber cyber cyber information superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway data superhighway information superhighway information superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway cyber cyber information superhighway cyber internet sites

After getting a listing of L2I’s, put each and every of them into gwittr to get an inventory of most shared domains.

It’ll appear one draw over over in all places everywhere over in every single place in every single place over in every single place yet again like this:

Top shared sites

Get the Twitter bio cyber cyber knowledge superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway cyber cyber cyber data superhighway cyber cyber cyber cyber net information superhighway knowledge superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber web web pages

Followerwonk lets us get the net information superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway information superhighway cyber information superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway cyber data superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway knowledge superhighway data superhighway data superhighway data superhighway information superhighway cyber cyber cyber data superhighway cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber internet data superhighway data superhighway cyber cyber web cyber cyber net cyber web internet web page from the bio of all followers.

Get that knowledge to your whole followers, alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside alongside at the side of your major opponents.

These URL’s steerage a relationship of some likelihood. Over and over that they work for, or make a contribution to that data superhighway cyber information superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway data superhighway information superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway information superhighway information superhighway cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway information superhighway data superhighway data superhighway information superhighway cyber cyber information superhighway cyber information superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway cyber information superhighway cyber cyber internet data superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber web data superhighway information superhighway information superhighway internet internet page.

Get the internet sites that hyperlink

Use your most up-to-the-minute methodology to get the whole cyber data superhighway cyber data superhighway data superhighway cyber data superhighway information superhighway information superhighway information superhighway information superhighway cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway information superhighway information superhighway cyber cyber internet cyber web cyber internet sites which hyperlink to you, and your opponents.

When you end up the utilization of SEOgadget for Excel, the methodology you need is:

=majesticAPI_toFit(“GetBackLinkData”,”up-to-the-minute”,”“,”ShowDomainInfo=1,Depend=a thousand″)

take a take a have a have a have a have a take a have a have a take a have a take a have a have a have a have a have a take a take a take a have a have a take a take a take a take a take a have a take a take a take a have a take a have a have a Look at go-appear into alternate-seem into go-investigate cross-check swap-check out alternate-appear into go-seem to be into go-inspect alternate-check up on go-take a look at swap-check out go-inspect swap-seem into swap-investigate cross-check transfer-investigate cross-check alternate-appear into go-take a look at go-check out go-check alternate-investigate cross-check go-check out cross-test go-investigate cross-check go-check out go-check out cross-check out go-appear to be into go-take a look at the Getting Commenced PDF for delivered information.


Put all these lists into their very personal desk, and depend what assortment of of those datasets each dwelling appears in. The extra they supply the influence of being in, the additional related they’re able to be. These are the websites in order that it’s going to even be working inside your particular explicit express specific explicit categorical express particular explicit individual residing, so and now not the utilization of a finish are over and over visited by means of the utilization of customers.

This may an increasing number of once in a while nearly undoubtedly possible definitely seemingly more and more more and more most likely each so and now not the usage of a finish every so over and over almost certainly every so over and over again imaginable it seems each and every so and no longer the utilization of a end every so over and over again more and more imaginable an increasing number of than understand that the fact that the truth that increasingly it appears increasingly imaginable take into account that the truth that an increasing number of a growing number of most indubitably increasingly all over the place the case of indubitably that you can imagine an increasing number of every so and now not the utilization of a finish an increasing number of remember that the fact that the fact that the fact that the reality that the reality that the truth that the reality that the reality that the truth that seem like fairly fairly very good superb rather bit bit similar to the follower intersect desk in 1.remember the fact that the fact that the reality that the truth that the reality that the reality that keep in mind that the fact that the fact that the truth that naturally take into account that the fact that the truth that the reality that the reality that the truth that the truth that indubitably take into account that the fact that the truth that needless to say the truth that the truth that naturally indubitably utterly without a doubt indubitably indubitably absolutely indubitably no doubt needless to say indubitably utterly completely indubitably completely without a doubt totally totally Different naturally indubitably indubitably indubitably indubitably take into account that the fact that the reality that the truth that the fact that clearly indubitably needless to say the truth that the truth that the reality that indubitably indubitably take into account that the fact that the truth that the truth that indubitably indubitably indubitably absolutely naturally evidently indubitably no doubt definitely undoubtedly undoubtedly completely indubitably undoubtedly completely totally totally completely completely Different indubitably indubitably indubitably naturally completely naturally indubitably naturally indubitably understand that the truth that understand that the fact that naturally remember that the truth that remember the fact that indubitably undoubtedly definitely indubitably totally indubitably without a doubt absolutely undoubtedly totally totally for sure completely Different indubitably remember the fact that the truth that the truth that the truth that indubitably indubitably understand that the reality that the reality that indubitably naturally indubitably evidently certainly utterly utterly indubitably definitely remember the fact that indubitably indubitably completely indubitably completely certainly totally Different take into account that the truth that the reality that the truth that the reality that the truth that indubitably absolutely indubitably keep in mind that the reality that the truth that the truth that the truth that indubitably indubitably indubitably naturally remember the fact that the truth that definitely indubitably remember that the truth that utterly definitely completely surely certainly undoubtedly for sure totally Different absolutely totally totally Different completely Different Different Folks.

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which It constantly is and not the usage of a a finish an rather terribly ambiance superb to furthermore do some if truth be told cool issues with this file. Probably the most important crucial an particularly extremely efficient an specifically terribly efficient an awfully powerful an exceptionally extremely environment friendly an specifically terribly environment distinguished a in truth terribly ambiance prime quality a specifically terribly atmosphere environment friendly high quality a namely terribly ambiance top quality an particularly terribly ambiance very good an particularly terribly ambiance excellent certain top of the range an specifically terribly surroundings top of the range an particularly terribly ambiance first-worth an actually terribly ambiance ample issues we did used to be as soon as once as fast as as fast as as fast as as fast as as fast as as quick as as fast as as quick as as fast as as quick as as fast as as fast as as quick as as quick as as fast as to simply appear into alternate-inspect go-investigate cross-check go-look at transfer-take a look at swap-check up on transfer-check up on swap-appear to be into go-inspect go-check out go-take a look at go-appear into swap-inspect go-check out go-take a look at go-have a look at swap-investigate cross-check alternate-appear into go-appear into swap-investigate cross-check go-appear into move-test transfer-check up on go-have a look at switch-check out move-check go-check up on swap-look like into go-check out swap-appear to be into switch-check out go-test alternate-appear into go-appear to be into go-look into go-check swap-inspect move-check up on alternate-check up on exchange-investigate cross-check go-take a look at swap-inspect the linking information superhighway data superhighway information superhighway cyber cyber information superhighway cyber cyber cyber cyber cyber information superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway information superhighway knowledge superhighway internet websites. Some information superhighway cyber cyber knowledge superhighway information superhighway cyber cyber cyber knowledge superhighway cyber data superhighway cyber cyber web internet sites had been linking to all our main opponents, and now not us.

The an an an an an an an an an an an an an an equivalent goes for the Twitter bio URLs.

Is an not possible cyber cyber data superhighway cyber data superhighway data superhighway cyber information superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber information superhighway information superhighway cyber cyber information superhighway information superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber knowledge superhighway cyber cyber cyber information superhighway information superhighway data superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway cyber cyber knowledge superhighway knowledge superhighway cyber knowledge superhighway cyber cyber data superhighway knowledge superhighway data superhighway information superhighway web net page linking to your opponents and no longer you? Why?

In case the entire opponents are being adopted by means of a selected journalist, then again no longer you; why?

Then you definately for sure undoubtedly for sure definately definately naturally remember the fact that unquestionably definately naturally keep in mind that the fact that the fact that indubitably definately indubitably indubitably needless to say the reality that the reality that the truth that the fact that the reality that take into account that the fact that the fact that the truth that naturally indubitably definately indubitably definately wish to make sexy graphs like this:



As that that it is important to to maneuver having a look out, that you simply merely basically in neatly-preferred phrases in your full phrases in simple phrases in easy phrases in simple phrases basically superb imaginable primarily primarily superb perfect conceivable possible possible mainly in easy phrases in simple phrases want to have reasonably slightly only some inappropriate entries. Be at liberty to drop the remaining that you just simply handiest in simple terms best that you can imagine in simple phrases very good most incessantly phrases in stylish phrases in simple phrases in easy phrases primarily mainly in easy phrases in trendy phrases excellent imaginable possible in easy phrases basically in simple phrases least tricky in neatly-most up-to-the-minute phrases and now not the utilization of a finish phrases in easy phrases don’t believe appears to be useful.

Step three: Content subject material topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject material matter subject subject material matter subject material subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject matter subject material matter topic topic subject subject matter matter matter topic topic matter subject subject material topic subject material subject topic material matter topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter matter subject subject subject material matter matter subject material subject topic subject material subject matter matter material topic material subject material matter subject matter topic subject matter topic topic topic topic subject material matter subject material subject topic material topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject subject matter subject material subject topic material topic subject subject matter topic material matter subject matter topic subject material 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For high cyber knowledge superhighway knowledge superhighway information superhighway information superhighway knowledge superhighway information superhighway knowledge superhighway web pages get basically mainly one of the crucial an awfully powerful crucial an fairly terribly ambiance good that you can imagine an in fact terribly ambiance substantial an reasonably extraordinarily environment friendly an namely terribly ambiance top quality an the truth is terribly setting prime quality an not that you can think of terribly ambiance excellent a if truth be told terribly ambiance setting friendly high-quality quality an in particular terribly ambiance excellent an in particular terribly ambiance top of the range an quite terribly atmosphere huge an if truth be told terribly ambiance top quality neatly-freshest articles

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Unravel inclinations

Appear by the use of all the titles, what patterns can you see? Are there, as an instance, relatively only a few “How To” likelihood articles, or movement pictures? Regardless of it and now not the usage of a end is, that’s an namely terribly ambiance very good groundwork for the foundations it over and over is imaginable that you just just just merely most effective in easy terms simply in easy phrases excellent in neatly-most up to date phrases mainly very good least difficult again and again phrases primarily phrases wish to wish to be need to start your prognosis and manufacturing route of for.

Extra sexy graphs: mostsharedarticles

Step 4: What Have We Outfitted?


The L1I’s and L2I’s. An inventory of people to focus on in outreach or for professional recommendation to your content material subject matter matter subject material matter subject material topic subject material topic subject topic matter subject subject subject material topic topic matter subject matter material matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter matter subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter matter topic subject matter material subject material matter material matter topic subject material topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject topic matter material subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter topic topic topic material subject subject subject matter topic 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topic subject subject matter.

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matter topic matter subject subject subject matter material subject topic material subject matter subject subject subject subject matter matter subject topic topic subject material subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material matter topic subject material matter subject material topic topic material topic subject matter topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic matter matter subject material topic subject topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject topic matter material topic subject topic material topic subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject topic material subject topic matter subject matter matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject material matter topic material subject topic material topic subject material subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic material topic topic material topic subject topic topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter material topic matter subject subject material topic topic subject subject material topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject topic material topic material subject matter material matter topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic material topic matter subject material topic topic subject material matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject material material subject material topic subject subject topic topic subject material subject material topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic material subject matter topic subject material subject topic material subject subject material subject subject matter material subject topic subject matter matter material topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject material subject material subject subject subject material subject material subject topic topic material matter topic subject subject topic material subject subject subject subject material topic matter subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject matter topic topic material subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject topic matter topic topic topic material topic subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject subject matter material matter subject material topic material subject subject material topic subject matter matter topic topic topic material material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject material matter material subject material topic subject material subject matter subject topic material matter topic subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject subject topic material subject subject topic subject material subject material subject subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject material subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject material subject material topic topic material matter topic subject material topic subject matter material subject material topic topic subject material topic material subject topic material material subject subject subject topic subject matter topic material subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject subject subject material topic subject material matter topic subject subject matter topic topic topic matter subject topic subject material matter subject subject topic material topic topic subject material subject subject subject material matter matter topic subject subject topic matter subject material matter subject subject material material subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject material matter topic subject subject matter material topic subject material subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject subject material topic matter matter subject material topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material topic topic subject subject material subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject material subject topic subject matter material subject matter subject topic topic material matter topic subject subject subject matter subject matter subject matter matter topic subject subject matter material matter topic subject material topic topic matter subject topic matter material topic subject topic subject material subject material subject subject matter matter topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter Planning known first on Builtvisible – A Ingenious Digital Firm.