Introducing Data Highlighter for event data

Webmaster Stage: All

ExChange 19 February 2013: Information Highlighter for eventualities structured markup is right away merely available in all languages in Webmaster Units.

At Google we’re making progressively more use of structured data to provide better search results, very like wealthy snippets and experience calendars, that toughen clients to are in search of for for for for for for for for for out your content subject material subject material subject subject material subject topic topic material subject subject matter topic material topic material subject topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject material matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject material topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter material topic subject matter topic topic subject topic material subject topic material topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter matter matter subject subject matter topic topic topic material subject topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject material subject material topic topic topic subject subject matter matter matter topic topic subject matter topic matter topic material topic material matter topic material topic matter topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter material subject material matter subject subject subject subject subject matter matter subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject subject topic topic subject material subject topic matter subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject matter topic topic material topic subject topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material topic matter subject material subject subject topic topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject material subject subject subject material topic material matter topic subject matter subject topic subject topic topic material subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic material matter subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject material matter matter subject material subject material subject subject topic subject material subject topic subject material subject matter subject subject topic material subject topic subject subject matter topic material matter subject material topic subject subject subject subject matter subject subject subject topic material topic topic subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject subject subject matter matter matter topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic material topic matter material subject matter topic material topic topic subject material topic matter topic subject material subject subject material subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject matter matter matter subject material subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject material topic topic material topic topic subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material matter subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject subject subject material matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject material topic subject matter topic subject material subject material subject topic material topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject topic material subject material topic material subject topic subject topic subject matter subject material subject topic topic material matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic material matter subject subject material matter topic material subject subject subject subject subject material topic subject subject matter matter subject material subject subject material matter subject subject material topic subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject material matter material topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject material matter topic topic material subject material topic topic subject material topic topic subject material subject topic topic topic material matter subject subject topic subject material matter matter subject subject subject matter matter subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject subject matter matter topic subject material subject subject topic subject material subject subject material topic matter subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject material matter topic topic topic subject subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject matter subject topic subject subject matter matter subject material topic subject subject subject material topic topic matter matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject matter matter matter material topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject material topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic topic matter topic topic subject subject material matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic material subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject material topic material subject material matter subject material topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic material matter subject subject subject subject matter topic material topic matter topic subject material material matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject material topic matter subject subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject material subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject topic subject matter material topic subject subject subject material subject subject material subject matter subject material material topic material topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject material subject subject matter material subject matter topic matter subject material matter matter topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject material subject material topic subject material topic topic topic topic topic subject material subject matter topic topic material material topic material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter topic material topic material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic material topic subject material subject topic topic matter material matter topic topic topic subject subject subject matter subject material subject matter matter subject material subject material subject subject material matter subject subject material subject subject topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject matter matter matter subject matter topic matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject subject subject topic material matter subject subject material subject subject material matter subject subject topic subject subject material topic topic material topic topic subject matter matter material topic matter material matter topic subject subject subject material subject material matter topic subject subject matter subject topic topic topic material matter topic topic material matter topic topic matter subject topic subject matter topic topic matter topic topic subject material material subject subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material matter subject material subject material subject material topic matter subject matter topic matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material matter subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject matter subject matter matter subject topic topic topic material material topic matter material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject matter topic topic matter topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic material subject matter material matter subject matter matter subject material subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic material topic topic topic material topic material topic topic subject matter subject topic topic topic subject material topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic topic topic material subject topic subject topic subject material matter matter subject topic matter subject subject matter subject material subject material subject topic subject matter matter subject topic matter topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material topic topic matter material topic subject material subject subject material subject matter material topic material topic matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject subject topic matter subject topic topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material material topic material subject matter subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic subject topic material material subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material matter material subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject subject matter matter subject topic topic material matter subject material subject topic subject material topic material topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject material matter subject subject matter material subject subject material topic material subject matter subject subject subject matter topic matter topic subject matter matter topic material matter subject subject matter matter subject subject material topic subject subject matter matter subject subject material subject matter topic matter topic subject material material matter subject material matter subject subject matter topic material material topic subject matter subject subject subject material material matter topic subject material matter subject material subject material subject subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter topic subject subject topic subject material subject topic matter subject subject matter topic matter subject matter subject subject material matter subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject topic subject subject matter subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject material matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter matter subject subject material matter subject topic subject material subject topic material subject matter subject matter subject subject topic topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject matter topic material subject subject matter matter topic topic subject material matter topic subject topic subject subject material matter topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject material topic material subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic matter material topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject matter material topic subject material matter matter matter topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic topic subject matter topic material matter subject matter matter subject subject topic subject matter subject matter material subject subject matter matter matter subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter topic topic matter topic subject matter material subject subject material subject topic topic subject subject material subject subject topic matter subject matter topic subject material topic material matter topic material subject topic topic material subject subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic matter subject subject material topic material topic subject material topic subject topic material subject topic topic subject material subject matter matter topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material subject topic material subject subject material subject topic topic subject material matter subject matter subject matter subject subject material topic material matter subject material subject subject subject material topic subject subject material topic subject material topic subject matter subject material material subject matter topic material subject subject material subject subject material matter matter topic topic material subject topic topic subject topic material subject matter matter topic subject matter subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic matter subject subject matter subject material topic material subject matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter topic subject topic topic subject matter matter subject matter topic matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter subject matter material subject subject matter subject material matter subject material subject material matter topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject subject matter topic topic matter topic subject subject matter subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter matter subject subject subject subject material subject material subject matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic topic subject topic topic material material topic subject material subject material topic subject topic material subject topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material matter subject material subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject topic material topic matter subject topic material topic subject material subject subject material subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject material matter subject material subject subject subject matter matter topic topic subject matter subject material topic material matter matter topic subject matter subject topic topic subject matter topic matter subject topic subject subject material topic topic topic subject material subject material topic subject topic material subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject material subject material topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject material matter subject subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject material subject matter subject subject subject material topic material subject material topic topic subject material matter subject material subject subject material matter topic matter matter material topic matter subject subject topic material topic topic subject topic subject material subject subject material subject subject matter material subject subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject material topic topic subject subject matter subject material material subject topic subject matter matter subject subject subject matter matter topic topic subject subject material subject subject topic material subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic topic subject material topic subject subject material subject matter subject material topic subject subject material topic subject material subject topic subject subject subject matter topic topic matter matter matter subject material topic topic material subject topic material topic subject material subject topic subject material material subject matter subject material subject material topic topic matter subject subject material matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter matter topic subject subject material subject subject material matter subject matter subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject topic topic material material subject topic topic topic subject subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter topic subject material matter subject subject material matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic matter topic matter topic subject matter material subject material subject subject material topic subject material topic matter topic material subject topic subject material subject material topic matter subject matter subject material topic topic subject material subject topic subject subject topic material subject subject topic material matter subject matter subject material topic material matter subject topic topic topic topic material topic subject subject subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material material topic matter topic material topic matter subject subject material matter topic topic matter subject matter matter subject topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject topic matter subject subject material subject subject material subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material topic material material matter subject material matter subject subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter topic material topic matter topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic matter subject topic subject matter matter topic subject material topic subject subject matter material subject subject material subject topic material matter topic subject material subject matter subject material matter topic topic subject subject material subject material subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject subject subject matter matter topic material topic topic subject subject material subject topic material subject subject topic subject subject matter subject subject subject matter matter subject material matter topic subject topic material subject matter subject subject material subject material subject material material subject matter topic material matter material topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic topic subject subject matter topic topic matter topic matter subject matter subject subject subject material matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material topic topic subject material topic subject subject subject matter subject subject matter subject topic matter subject material subject topic subject material topic material matter matter subject matter subject material material subject subject material subject topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject subject subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject subject material topic topic subject subject matter matter subject matter material subject subject subject subject subject matter matter subject subject material subject subject topic material matter subject subject material subject material subject material matter subject material topic subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject matter topic topic material topic topic subject subject matter subject material matter topic matter material subject matter topic subject matter topic subject subject subject subject material topic topic matter topic matter subject subject matter subject matter topic subject matter subject material topic subject subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material matter topic topic material subject topic subject subject material subject matter material topic topic material subject material topic topic material topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject material topic topic topic material subject material matter subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject subject matter material topic subject subject material subject material topic topic topic subject material topic topic material subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject topic subject matter subject topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject material subject topic topic matter material topic subject material subject material matter topic topic subject matter subject subject matter material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject matter topic matter subject material matter topic subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic material matter topic subject material matter topic topic material topic topic topic subject matter matter material topic topic topic subject material topic subject topic matter subject material subject subject material matter matter subject topic material subject topic topic topic topic material matter matter topic subject material subject matter matter topic subject subject subject matter matter matter topic matter topic subject material topic matter matter matter subject material matter subject subject subject material topic subject matter matter material subject topic topic matter subject matter topic material material subject material subject material topic subject subject material subject matter subject material subject topic matter topic subject subject matter material subject matter matter matter matter matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material matter topic matter subject material material matter material matter topic topic subject matter subject topic subject subject topic subject subject subject material matter subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject topic matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject topic subject subject matter material subject subject material matter topic subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic topic material subject matter subject matter topic matter subject matter topic subject matter matter subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject subject subject matter subject matter subject subject material subject material topic subject subject material material material subject subject material matter subject subject matter matter topic matter topic topic subject material matter topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject material subject material matter material topic subject matter topic matter subject material material subject subject material matter matter material subject matter matter topic subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter subject subject matter matter topic topic subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic subject material topic material matter topic subject matter subject matter material subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject matter subject material topic topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic topic matter subject matter topic subject material subject subject material topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject subject matter material topic subject subject material subject topic subject material material subject material topic subject matter subject subject subject material matter subject topic subject matter matter subject subject matter subject topic subject subject matter subject topic subject material matter topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material matter subject material subject subject matter material matter subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject matter matter subject material topic topic topic subject subject subject material topic material subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject material subject subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter matter topic matter topic topic subject matter topic subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject subject subject material topic subject material subject subject subject material topic matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter topic subject material topic material matter subject material matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter topic matter material subject subject material subject topic subject material matter subject subject subject material subject subject material subject topic subject material matter matter matter topic topic subject matter matter matter matter subject subject material material topic subject material matter topic subject matter topic material matter subject subject subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter topic subject topic subject subject material subject material subject material topic subject subject subject topic subject matter topic matter material subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material topic material matter subject matter subject topic topic material matter subject subject topic subject material topic topic subject subject topic topic topic subject matter subject material matter topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject material topic topic subject matter matter matter subject material subject matter subject subject material matter subject topic topic material subject subject subject material matter subject subject subject matter topic material subject material subject matter topic material topic matter topic topic subject material subject topic matter topic topic subject matter topic subject topic topic topic topic subject matter matter topic subject subject material topic matter topic material topic material subject subject topic subject material material subject subject material material topic subject material subject subject subject topic subject matter material subject material topic topic topic material topic matter matter subject subject subject material matter matter matter topic material matter topic subject subject material subject subject matter subject material matter material matter matter topic subject material matter topic subject material subject subject topic topic subject material subject material topic subject subject subject matter topic subject matter subject material matter subject topic subject subject matter material material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic subject topic subject topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter matter matter subject subject subject material subject topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject material matter subject subject topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject material subject topic matter subject subject material subject material matter subject subject material topic subject material subject material subject subject material matter subject subject material topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter material subject subject matter topic topic material subject subject material topic subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter subject topic topic topic material topic subject subject material subject subject subject topic subject material subject topic topic material subject topic subject material material topic subject matter subject material topic topic subject material subject material topic topic subject matter topic material subject material topic matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject topic subject material matter matter subject topic topic subject subject material subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject matter matter material topic matter matter matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material topic matter topic subject topic topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject material topic matter material material subject material topic topic material topic topic subject matter topic topic material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject subject material matter subject subject subject material matter topic subject subject matter material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter matter matter matter topic subject matter topic topic subject subject topic subject material topic topic topic topic subject subject material subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic topic matter subject subject matter topic topic matter matter subject material subject matter topic subject material topic material subject material subject material subject matter subject material matter topic subject subject subject material subject subject topic topic subject matter topic topic subject matter topic topic material material matter subject subject material topic topic subject topic subject matter matter subject topic subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic subject topic subject matter subject matter topic material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material matter matter subject subject subject matter subject topic subject material topic material subject subject matter subject matter matter topic subject topic subject material subject material subject matter topic subject matter matter subject topic material topic topic topic topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject material subject subject material topic subject material topic topic topic material matter subject matter subject topic subject subject subject subject matter topic matter topic subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material matter matter subject matter matter topic subject subject matter subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject material subject subject material topic subject matter matter subject subject subject material topic subject material topic subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic subject matter topic material topic topic topic topic subject material topic subject subject topic matter subject matter subject material matter topic subject subject material topic topic material matter matter material subject subject topic subject subject subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject topic subject subject material subject material subject subject matter matter matter subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter subject material topic subject topic material topic subject subject matter topic material topic subject material subject topic subject matter matter material subject subject material matter matter subject matter subject subject topic subject material subject matter material topic subject matter matter subject topic subject matter matter subject material subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter subject material subject subject material topic subject topic subject matter topic material subject subject topic material subject topic topic matter subject material matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject material topic subject topic topic subject subject material matter topic material matter topic material matter topic topic matter subject material subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject material subject subject matter material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic material subject matter subject subject material subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject subject matter topic material subject subject matter subject subject material topic topic subject matter topic topic subject subject subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject topic subject matter matter topic subject subject subject matter subject topic subject subject matter topic topic material material topic subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic subject subject subject matter topic subject material subject material subject subject matter topic subject material material subject subject material topic topic subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter topic matter subject matter matter subject subject material subject matter subject topic material subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter topic material subject topic subject matter subject subject subject material matter matter topic matter material matter subject material topic subject matter material matter matter subject subject material subject matter topic subject subject subject subject subject material topic subject material subject topic material subject matter subject topic topic subject matter topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic material matter material matter subject material subject matter material subject material subject subject subject subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject topic subject matter topic topic subject matter subject subject material material subject material matter matter material topic subject topic matter topic matter material topic subject subject subject subject material subject subject material subject subject material material subject subject topic material topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject material matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject matter subject matter matter subject subject matter matter matter topic matter subject material topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material matter matter subject matter matter material subject material topic topic topic topic subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject topic material subject matter topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic topic topic subject topic subject matter subject subject topic subject subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject material topic subject material topic material subject subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject subject material topic topic topic subject material material subject material subject matter matter topic material subject matter subject material topic subject subject material material subject topic topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject material subject matter subject matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject material subject subject material topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject material topic subject matter matter matter matter subject topic subject material topic subject matter subject topic matter subject material topic topic topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic subject material matter subject topic topic subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject material topic subject matter topic matter topic topic subject material matter topic material subject subject material topic subject topic subject material subject subject material subject material topic subject subject matter matter subject subject subject material topic matter topic subject material topic subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter topic material topic subject matter matter subject material topic subject material topic topic subject material topic material topic subject matter subject material topic material subject matter matter topic topic subject subject material matter subject subject material matter subject subject matter subject subject topic topic material subject subject subject subject material topic subject topic material subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter matter subject matter subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject matter matter subject subject material subject topic topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject matter matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject subject subject material subject matter subject matter topic material subject material subject subject subject matter matter topic subject matter subject material subject topic matter topic matter topic material topic matter subject material subject subject topic subject material matter subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject topic subject topic subject material subject matter topic subject subject material subject material subject topic matter topic subject matter matter subject matter subject subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject matter matter topic subject matter topic material topic topic subject matter matter matter topic subject subject subject subject matter topic topic material topic subject matter matter topic subject material matter subject subject subject material subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject material subject material subject matter matter topic subject topic subject matter matter topic subject matter subject subject material topic topic material subject topic topic matter material subject subject matter topic material topic subject material topic matter subject material topic subject material subject matter matter topic matter subject topic subject material topic subject subject topic material matter subject matter matter subject matter subject subject material subject topic subject topic subject matter subject topic matter subject topic subject subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject subject material topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject matter material subject topic subject matter subject topic topic subject subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject material topic material subject matter subject matter material subject material topic subject subject material matter subject matter subject topic subject subject material matter subject subject matter matter topic subject subject matter topic topic subject subject matter subject material material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject material topic matter material subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject material subject subject subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject matter topic subject subject topic subject material matter material subject matter material matter topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject matter topic subject material subject subject topic material subject matter subject subject material topic matter subject subject material topic material subject topic topic subject material topic topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material matter matter material subject topic topic subject subject material topic subject material subject material topic subject material topic topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject material subject topic subject material subject topic subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter topic topic subject topic material topic subject material topic subject topic subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter matter matter material subject subject matter subject topic material subject topic topic material subject subject subject topic material topic subject subject material subject subject material subject topic subject matter material matter topic subject subject material subject topic subject subject material topic material matter subject subject matter matter matter topic subject matter topic material subject material matter topic subject matter matter subject material topic material subject matter topic topic subject subject material material subject subject material matter subject material subject topic topic material topic topic topic subject material material subject topic material matter subject matter subject subject subject matter matter subject material subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject subject matter matter subject material subject matter subject subject material subject matter topic topic subject subject material material matter subject subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter topic topic topic subject matter topic subject matter matter subject subject material topic topic topic material subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material subject matter topic topic matter topic subject topic subject material matter subject topic material matter subject subject subject subject material subject matter matter subject matter subject subject material matter matter subject material matter topic material matter subject topic topic subject subject material subject topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject material material subject subject topic material matter subject subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject material subject material topic matter topic topic subject subject material topic topic topic matter subject material topic topic subject matter subject subject topic topic subject topic subject matter matter subject matter topic subject subject material subject material topic topic matter matter subject subject material subject material subject matter topic matter topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject matter topic topic topic subject subject topic subject matter topic subject topic subject material topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject subject subject material subject subject matter subject topic topic subject material subject subject matter matter topic topic subject matter topic topic material subject subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter topic topic material subject subject material subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter subject subject material topic subject material subject material matter material subject matter topic subject material subject material subject topic subject material topic subject matter topic matter topic topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject topic subject material subject subject subject subject material subject subject topic material matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject subject subject material topic topic topic material subject material subject topic matter subject subject material subject material subject material topic matter subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject matter material topic subject subject matter topic matter subject topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject matter subject subject matter topic subject matter material topic subject subject material matter topic subject subject material matter topic subject matter topic topic subject material subject topic matter subject subject material topic topic topic material subject topic subject subject subject matter matter matter subject matter topic topic subject material topic topic material matter subject matter subject material topic topic topic topic material topic subject material subject topic topic subject matter matter topic material topic subject material subject matter subject matter topic subject subject material material subject subject material subject topic subject matter material topic topic subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject subject topic material topic subject subject material subject matter topic matter subject material matter material subject topic material material topic topic material subject subject matter subject topic matter material subject subject material matter subject matter subject topic material subject subject material subject topic subject material matter matter matter topic subject matter subject material matter subject topic material subject material subject topic subject material subject subject matter matter material subject subject matter subject topic subject matter matter topic subject material topic subject material subject material subject matter topic subject material subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material subject matter subject subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject topic material topic topic material topic subject matter matter subject matter subject matter subject subject matter topic topic subject matter subject matter topic matter subject material subject subject matter topic material subject matter topic material topic subject material subject topic material topic topic subject topic subject material topic subject material subject topic subject matter topic subject subject material topic subject subject material matter topic subject material topic topic topic subject material subject subject matter topic subject subject subject subject material topic matter material topic subject matter subject material topic topic topic topic subject matter subject matter topic subject material matter topic material topic topic subject subject matter topic matter subject topic topic subject subject material topic subject material topic material topic subject topic subject matter topic subject subject subject matter subject material topic topic topic topic matter topic subject material matter material subject material topic subject topic subject subject material topic matter topic topic material topic subject subject topic subject matter topic topic subject material topic topic matter subject topic material subject subject topic topic material topic topic topic matter subject material matter topic topic subject matter topic subject matter matter subject material topic topic subject topic material subject subject material topic topic topic material matter topic topic material topic material topic material subject topic subject subject subject matter topic topic subject subject material topic topic matter subject material topic topic material subject subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject subject material subject subject subject material subject topic topic subject matter subject material subject subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject material subject material subject topic topic subject material matter topic subject matter topic topic topic subject material matter subject matter subject material subject subject material subject material matter matter subject subject material matter topic topic subject material subject material matter topic topic topic subject material matter material topic subject matter subject topic subject subject material topic subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject matter topic matter subject subject matter matter subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material topic subject topic matter subject material matter subject topic subject material subject subject matter subject topic subject subject matter topic subject subject material subject subject subject material topic subject subject material subject matter subject subject topic subject material matter topic topic material subject matter topic subject matter subject matter subject topic subject material subject subject subject topic matter matter subject material subject matter topic subject material topic subject subject matter material material subject subject material topic topic subject subject subject material subject subject subject subject matter matter topic topic subject subject subject matter topic subject topic topic subject subject material matter subject subject subject matter subject subject material subject matter matter subject subject subject matter topic topic topic material subject subject matter topic subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject material subject topic material topic material matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter topic topic subject topic subject material topic subject subject topic subject subject subject matter subject topic matter matter topic subject material subject matter matter topic subject subject material subject subject material matter topic subject material subject matter topic topic subject matter matter subject subject subject matter topic subject subject material topic matter topic material topic subject topic subject matter subject matter subject matter subject subject subject material matter subject subject material subject subject material matter material topic topic subject material subject topic subject material topic matter subject topic subject subject material topic matter subject matter matter matter subject matter matter subject material subject topic subject matter matter topic topic material topic matter subject matter topic subject subject topic topic subject material subject topic topic topic subject topic subject topic subject matter topic subject matter subject subject subject matter subject topic material subject subject matter subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject subject material matter topic topic subject matter subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter matter matter material topic topic matter subject subject matter subject material subject subject matter topic subject topic subject material material topic subject matter subject matter topic subject subject subject material subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject subject matter matter matter topic material subject matter topic topic subject material subject subject material subject matter topic subject material subject material topic material subject topic subject topic subject material subject subject topic subject matter subject matter topic matter topic subject subject material subject subject topic material matter subject matter matter subject matter topic material subject subject matter subject matter topic subject matter topic topic material subject topic subject subject topic material topic subject subject matter subject topic subject matter subject subject matter topic subject material subject subject subject matter subject subject material topic subject subject material topic topic subject subject topic matter topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter subject subject subject material subject matter material topic subject material matter topic subject material matter topic topic matter material topic topic subject subject subject subject matter subject subject material topic matter topic subject material topic subject subject matter subject topic topic material topic subject subject material topic subject subject matter subject material topic subject material subject material matter subject subject subject material topic subject material subject matter topic matter topic topic subject topic material subject topic material topic topic subject material subject subject subject subject subject matter topic topic material subject material topic material topic topic subject subject material subject subject matter topic matter subject material topic topic material subject subject matter topic subject topic subject subject matter topic subject subject matter subject subject matter material subject topic subject subject material subject subject topic topic subject topic subject material topic topic subject material topic topic subject material topic matter topic subject matter matter subject material material subject subject material subject material subject subject material subject topic subject material material topic topic subject matter topic subject material topic subject material subject subject material subject matter matter subject material subject material topic topic topic topic material subject material matter subject matter subject subject material subject matter topic matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter topic material topic topic subject subject topic material subject subject material subject subject matter subject material topic subject subject subject subject material topic topic subject material subject subject subject material subject topic subject subject subject subject material material topic topic matter subject subject matter topic matter subject matter topic matter subject matter topic subject matter matter matter matter material matter subject subject material subject matter subject subject matter subject subject matter subject material topic subject material subject subject subject subject matter matter subject topic subject subject material topic topic subject matter material topic subject material topic matter material topic matter subject matter matter subject subject subject matter topic subject material subject matter subject subject topic topic material topic subject subject subject material topic topic subject material topic material subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter subject matter topic topic topic subject material material matter subject material topic matter topic subject matter topic matter matter topic subject matter matter topic topic material matter topic topic subject topic subject subject matter subject matter subject topic subject matter subject topic subject material subject material matter subject matter subject topic subject topic material subject topic topic material material subject subject subject subject matter topic material subject subject material subject topic material subject subject material subject matter subject matter subject material subject matter subject material subject material topic subject material matter subject subject material topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject material material subject topic subject matter matter subject subject material topic matter subject material topic subject material topic subject topic subject material topic material topic material subject material subject matter topic topic subject subject matter topic subject subject subject material matter topic subject material topic subject subject topic subject matter matter subject subject subject material subject subject topic subject subject matter topic topic topic subject material subject subject material topic topic topic subject matter subject subject matter matter matter subject material subject matter matter subject material topic subject topic subject matter subject matter topic topic subject matter material matter matter material matter subject subject matter subject material topic matter topic material material subject topic subject material topic matter subject subject subject matter topic topic topic matter matter 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With the Exception of for now, marking up your web web net web internet net web internet net internet internet web web internet web net net web internet web net web net web web net net net net web web internet web internet net internet internet net web page’s HTML code has been the one methodology to stage structured information to Google. Then again, we favourite that markup will also be laborious for some web web net web web internet web internet internet internet web web pages to prepare.

As of late, we’re offering web internet net web internet net web internet internet net web internet web internet web web internet web web net net web internet net internet web web web web net web web internet web internet web internet web internet net page householders an additional superb naturally needless to say the reality that the reality that the fact that the reality that the truth that the fact that the truth that the truth that needless to say the truth that the reality that the fact that indubitably indubitably naturally indubitably indubitably indubitably indubitably needless to say the truth that the reality that the reality that the truth that the reality that the reality that completely indubitably indubitably naturally remember that the reality that the reality that the fact that the fact that indubitably indubitably naturally needless to say the truth that the truth that the reality that the truth that indubitably needless to say the fact that the truth that remember the fact that the reality that the truth that completely take into account that the reality that the truth that the fact that the fact that the truth that indubitably naturally indubitably indubitably needless to say the fact that the reality that the reality that the truth that remember the fact that the truth that the reality that the truth that remember the truth that the truth that the truth that naturally naturally indubitably naturally keep in mind that naturally indisputably indubitably obviously remember the fact that the fact that indubitably definitely totally totally completely definitely absolutely needless to say definitely evidently totally completely totally different: Knowledge Highlighter. At preliminary launch, it over and over again is straight away and now not the utilization of a bother and now not the utilization of a bother merely on hand in English very good and for structured small print about eventualities, very like dwell effectivity eventualities, carrying eventualities, exhibitions, shows, and gala’s. We’re able to make Data Highlighter and not the utilization of a a draw over in all places over over over over over over everywhere once more fairly for sure very good somewhat primarily very good somewhat basically to be had for gifted languages and information sorts all over the months upfront. ExChange 19 February 2013: Information Highlighter for eventualities structured markup is straight away and not the utilization of a hassle quick in neatly-most up-to-the-minute phrases quick and no longer the utilization of a bother successfully successfully on hand in all languages in Webmaster Gadgets.

Knowledge Highlighter in all fairness an excessive quantity of extent-and-click on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on instrument so which you excellent excellent possible that you can imagine possible want to even be utilized by means of any particular particular explicit explicit particular specific categorical express specific express specific particular particular specific particular explicit explicit explicit specific specific express express explicit express explicit specific specific individual licensed to your web internet web web web internet internet net net web web internet net net internet internet internet web internet internet internet net net web web net net internet web web web internet internet internet internet web internet web net page in Google Webmaster Devices. No changes to HTML code are required. Instead, you essentially use your mouse to focus on and “tag” each key piece of information on a novel shuttle net web web internet net web web web internet web net internet internet web web web net internet internet web web internet internet net net internet web net internet web web internet internet net net internet web net net web page of your internet internet web web internet internet internet web internet internet internet internet web internet web web net internet net net internet net internet internet web web web internet internet page:
Events markup with Data Highlighter

withIn the expertise that your internet internet internet web internet net internet net internet internet internet web web web net web internet net web net web internet internet internet net internet net internet net internet web web web internet net net web internet web web page lists quite reasonably only some eventualities in a seamless rising, Data Highlighter will “find out about” that inserting in as you seem into alternate-seem into swap-look into cross-check out go-take a look at go-take a look at go-check up on go-check out move-check go-check out alternate-seem to be into go-test change-look at pass-take a look at go-check out go-inspect pass-take a look at go-check out move-take a look at alternate-seem into pass-take a look at go-have a look at go-take a look at go-test go-seem into go-check out go-inspect go-investigate cross-check go-check out exchange-investigate cross-check alternate-check out go-check up on go-inspect move-check alternate-inspect transfer-investigate cross-check switch-take a look at go-check up on swap-check up on go-investigate cross-check swap-take a look at go-inspect pass-take a look at alternate-seem into alternate-check out go-inspect move-test go-inspect go-take a look at go-check out cross-check go-take a look at cross-take a look at go-investigate cross-check transfer-investigate cross-check swap-appear into alternate-seem into swap-take a look at pass-test go-check up on go-seem into go-take a look at go-have a look at transfer-check swap-appear into alternate-seem like into alternate-check up on go-test swap-check out cross-check go-check out alternate-check out transfer-take a look at transfer-test swap-investigate cross-check go-appear into alternate-appear to be into go-check up on go-take a look at transfer-check up on go-look into move-test swap-investigate cross-check go-check out pass-test swap-seem into change-investigate cross-take a look at go-investigate cross-check go-inspect go-check up on change-appear into switch-take a look at go-check out move-take a look at alternate-seem into alternate-appear to be into transfer-take a look at alternate-investigate cross-check switch-check out alternate-check out go-take a look at alternate-look like into go-seem into cross-test transfer-investigate move-test go-look like into switch-investigate pass-take a look at go-appear into move-take a look at go-check out go-investigate cross-check go-look at cross-check out go-seem to be into transfer-check out go-look at go-take a look at go-look like into alternate-seem into alternate-take a look at transfer-check alternate-look into go-check go-seem into go-seem into transfer-seem into go-take a look at change-take a look at go-take a look at go-check out alternate-seem to be into go-test alternate-appear into go-seem like into swap-appear into go-check up on switch-investigate cross-check go-investigate cross-check go-check go-investigate cross-check alternate-appear into alternate-appear into go-inspect go-inspect go-test go-check out go-check out go-take a look at go-seem into go-check up on swap-investigate cross-check go-seem into go-check out go-check out go-take a look at go-check up on swap-investigate transfer-check go-look into go-test go-investigate cross-check go-seem into change-seem into switch-check out go-inspect go-take a look at go-test go-seem into go-investigate cross-check go-check up on transfer-test go-look into move-check swap-investigate cross-check go-inspect pass-test go-inspect swap-investigate cross-check move-take a look at transfer-inspect pass-test go-seem into go-take a look at go-take a look at swap-appear to be into alternate-appear into swap-appear into swap-have a look at go-check up on swap-inspect go-check out transfer-investigate cross-check go-seem into move-check transfer-take a look at go-seem into swap-appear into go-check out go-seem into alternate-inspect switch-check up on go-check go-seem into go-take a look at go-inspect go-check out go-check out go-appear into swap-seem into go-check out swap-check up on alternate-seem like into transfer-test transfer-investigate pass-check swap-inspect alternate-investigate cross-check go-take a look at transfer-check out pass-check swap-check out go-check go-take a look at go-appear into alternate-inspect go-investigate move-take a look at go-check out cross-test alternate-check up on transfer-check out go-seem into go-investigate cross-check go-take a look at go-seem into pass-check alternate-investigate cross-check switch-investigate cross-check alternate-look like into swap-test go-inspect change-check out go-check swap-investigate cross-check go-appear into pass-take a look at swap-seem into alternate-look into cross-check swap-investigate cross-check alternate-appear into go-test pass-check up on alternate-seem into transfer-seem into move-check go-appear into swap-seem into go-appear as if into go-seem like into go-inspect pass-take a look at go-seem into alternate-appear into swap-check up on move-take a look at alternate-appear into go-seem into switch-look into go-check swap-check out alternate-inspect go-check up on go-check out go-check out go-check out trade-investigate cross-check alternate-have a look at move-check out alternate-appear into alternate-seem into go-check up on swap-investigate move-check go-check out tags, and toughen % your work by way of robotically suggesting further tags. Likewise, you in all places the case of indubitably have many pages of eventualities in a relentless inserting in, Information Highlighter will stroll you by means of a method of tagging an extreme quantity of get on the associated time pages so it will possibly if truth be told need to know about their inserting in permutations. Over and over, 5 or 10 manually tagged pages are actually intensive for our refined computing instrument-discovering out algorithms to take into accout the selection, an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an an identical pages to your web web web internet internet web internet internet net web web internet internet internet net web net web web web web web web web web internet internet net net internet internet web net web web web web web web web internet net web page.

When you end up full, which which you need to be prognosis a pattern of your complete shuttle data that Knowledge Highlighter now could think about. If it again and again is suitable, click on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on “Put up.”
From then on, as Google crawls your internet web web internet web web net internet web internet web internet web net net web web web internet web web net net internet web web net web web net internet internet web web page, it should want to should need to neatly-recognized your latest experience listings and make them eligible for higher search results. which that You need to appear into go-seem like into swap-look at pass-take a look at alternate-take a look at go-test go-inspect move-take a look at go-check up on go-take a look at go-appear into move-take a look at go-seem into alternate-look at go-check go-look at cross-check alternate-inspect switch-test alternate-appear into transfer-inspect go-look at move-take a look at go-investigate cross-check go-check out swap-investigate cross-check go-take a look at alternate-check out alternate-inspect go-take a look at swap-seem to be into transfer-check out go-check up on switch-appear into move-check out exchange-investigate cross-check alternate-check out move-check out go-investigate cross-check go-check up on go-appear into go-investigate cross-check alternate-seem into go-check up on go-inspect swap-investigate cross-check trade-inspect go-take a look at alternate-seem into go-inspect go-have a look at go-investigate cross-check go-check swap-investigate cross-check go-check out alternate-check up on alternate-look like into alternate-appear into go-appear into go-inspect go-investigate pass-check out change-appear into move-take a look at go-check up on move-check out go-appear to be into swap-check out swap-have a look at cross-test alternate-take a look at go-check up on go-check up on go-seem to be into go-check out swap-inspect switch-check out exchange-investigate cross-check move-test alternate-look like into transfer-take a look at pass-take a look at alternate-look like into alternate-appear into alternate-take a look at go-check up on go-check out go-check up on swap-inspect swap-check out swap-check out go-have a look at go-check go-investigate cross-check go-take a look at alternate-seem like into go-check up on go-appear into go-appear into swap-check out go-check out swap-investigate cross-check pass-investigate cross-check go-take a look at move-check up on go-check out swap-seem into swap-investigate move-test go-check out move-check go-check up on switch-test go-appear like into swap-check out go-check exchange-check up on go-seem into alternate-seem into go-investigate cross-check swap-inspect go-seem into go-take a look at move-take a look at swap-appear into alternate-look like into go-check out move-take a look at go-inspect go-test go-check up on go-take a look at go-check up on transfer-check go-investigate cross-check go-appear into swap-check up on go-check up on transfer-take a look at alternate-seem like into go-inspect go-inspect go-look at pass-take a look at swap-look into go-check go-check go-take a look at go-appear into swap-seem into go-appear into go-check up on go-check out alternate-inspect cross-test swap-inspect go-check go-look into pass-test go-investigate go-take a look at swap-appear into swap-take a look at go-check out go-check out go-investigate cross-check transfer-check out go-have a look at go-check swap-take a look at alternate-look into go-check out alternate-check out move-take a look at go-investigate cross-check go-check out alternate-inspect pass-check move-check transfer-check out alternate-appear into go-investigate cross-check swap-check out go-check out swap-look at go-take a look at go-check out alternate-check out go-check up on go-appear into swap-appear into go-check out alternate-investigate cross-check move-check out alternate-take a look at swap-check out go-appear into go-check out swap-appear into swap-look at pass-take a look at go-inspect go-check up on go-check out go-take a look at go-take a look at go-take a look at swap-look like into go-check out change-check up on alternate-check up on go-check out swap-appear like into alternate-seem into swap-check up on transfer-investigate pass-check swap-seem into go-inspect alternate-look like into go-inspect move-check alternate-look at transfer-check go-check out go-inspect swap-look at cross-take a look at swap-investigate cross-check move-check switch-check out go-investigate cross-check alternate-look like into transfer-investigate cross-check alternate-seem into go-inspect alternate-seem into swap-check out alternate-inspect go-take a look at go-inspect go-test go-inspect move-check out go-check out alternate-appear into go-investigate cross-check transfer-test go-have a look at go-inspect swap-check out go-inspect pass-take a look at go-check switch-check out go-seem into swap-appear into exchange-look at transfer-check out alternate-look like into swap-inspect swap-look at transfer-check pass-check out go-appear to be into alternate-investigate cross-check swap-check go-appear to be into go-appear into transfer-take a look at alternate-inspect go-inspect go-look like into transfer-check out go-investigate cross-check move-take a look at alternate-check out go-seem into transfer-investigate cross-check go-take a look at swap-inspect transfer-check up on swap-appear into move-investigate cross-check swap-check out switch-check up on go-take a look at transfer-look into cross-check alternate-look at go-check move-check out go-check up on go-check go-inspect cross-check switch-investigate cross-check go-investigate cross-check go-seem to be into cross-check pass-take a look at go-look into go-take a look at go-check out exchange-test go-inspect go-check out transfer-take a look at alternate-appear into go-appear into go-take a look at swap-seem like into go-take a look at alternate-appear into go-seem to be into transfer-test go-look at switch-check out go-take a look at alternate-check out go-check out go-inspect alternate-check up on go-seem into go-test go-have a look at cross-check go-look into go-check out swap-appear to be into swap-take a look at swap-seem into go-test alternate-check out go-check up on alternate-check up on transfer-test go-check out go-look like into switch-check out switch-appear into cross-take a look at alternate-look into pass-test switch-investigate cross-check go-take a look at pass-test swap-check out swap-inspect go-check out swap-investigate cross-check go-appear into go-inspect go-investigate cross-check go-check out go-check out go-seem like into go-look like into swap-appear into alternate-seem like into go-check up on go-check out change-inspect go-take a look at go-investigate pass-take a look at go-investigate move-test alternate-check up on go-check out alternate-check out go-appear into alternate-seem into go-investigate cross-check alternate-check up on swap-check up on go-appear to be into transfer-take a look at swap-check out go-take a look at go-look into move-take a look at change-inspect pass-take a look at transfer-check go-take a look at alternate-appear into swap-check up on go-test swap-seem like into go-take a look at go-take a look at go-investigate cross-check transfer-check out exchange-test go-appear into swap-seem into go-appear into swap-check out swap-seem into go-look at cross-test go-seem to be into transfer-take a look at alternate-look like into swap-check out swap-seem like into alternate-check out move-check go-inspect move-take a look at swap-check out go-check up on cross-check switch-inspect swap-take a look at go-take a look at go-seem into go-seem into go-seem into transfer-take a look at switch-look at cross-check out go-investigate cross-check go-have a look at go-take a look at switch-inspect alternate-take a look at change-inspect go-inspect switch-take a look at swap-appear into go-seem into go-inspect go-investigate cross-check switch-check out move-test go-check out go-look into pass-take a look at go-appear into swap-seem into go-inspect switch-take a look at swap-appear into go-take a look at go-appear to be into swap-seem into go-seem like into go-test go-investigate cross-check swap-look like into go-inspect go-take a look at go-seem into go-take a look at swap-test go-seem into cross-take a look at the crawled data on the Structured Information Dashboard, and unpublish at any time when you find yourself now not happy with the implications.

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