Archive for the ‘Webmater’ Category

Using Optical Character Recognition for Better On-Page SEO

Normal SEO advice dictates that text in images is sub-optimal. Google can parse it, but it usually won’t: Why rely on Google expending more processing cycles to understand your content when you could just give them the text to parse? Since most Ecommerce sites tend to be a little thin on the ground for on-page […]

The post Using Optical Character Recognition for Better On-Page SEO appeared first on Builtvisible – A Creative Digital Agency.

Know How It’s Built: “Cool” Isn’t Good Enough

An OK story teller can tell someone else’s story. A good story teller can invent a story. A great story teller knows exactly how to tell their own story. Consider the skills required by the modern digital marketer, an accomplished digital marketer. Story telling: research, the ability to imagine and craft great creative and promote […]

The post Know How It’s Built: “Cool” Isn’t Good Enough appeared first on Builtvisible – A Creative Digital Agency.

The Hard and Fast Rule of Guest Blogging

My girlfriend is a professional athlete and trainer working from a Gym near my home in London. Though she doesn’t know a thing about SEO (amazingly I’ve resisted the temptation to even discuss the mechanics of what SEO is), I do think she’s a naturally clever marketer. Take a look at this guest post, written […]

The post The Hard and Fast Rule of Guest Blogging appeared first on Builtvisible – A Creative Digital Agency.

Hand Coding A Personal Website

Last year, I had something of an epiphany about web design. I realised I didn’t really know how anything worked. Every website I’d created until then had relied on a CMS, namely WordPress. It was only when a bad plugin utterly botched the database tables leaving me helpless that I realised how little control I […]

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Laura Lippay’s Randomly Weird SEO & Tech Predictions for 2014

Jailbait and Diaper Sex: Microniche dating sites like Farmers Only (indeed, for farmers only), Women Behind Bars (yup), and Daily Diapers (yeah no, for adults) will be bought up by Demand Media and expanded out to include landing pages for tail terms like “How Jailbait Made Me a Better Person”, ”Why Diaper Sex Ain’t as Good as It Used to Be” and ”howcome when […]

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Trade in Your PR & Creative Agencies. SEOs Do it Better.

To understand why, you need to understand SEO today. Think you already do? Read on. What is it that SEOs really do these days? Is it marketing? Is it creative? Is it PR? Is it search engine optimization anymore? What about “real company shit”? Not only what is it to us, the people who’ve been in […]

The post Trade in Your PR & Creative Agencies. SEOs Do it Better. appeared first on SEOgadget.

Deepcrawl – The Crawler of Choice for LARGE Websites

We were approached by Matt at to review their relatively young, but capable site crawl cloud based platform. When we first received the request, I was a little unsure as to how useful this tool will be when compared to well-known & comprehensive tools like Screaming Frog and IIS SEO Toolkit, both of which […]

The post Deepcrawl – The Crawler of Choice for LARGE Websites appeared first on SEOgadget.

SEO Metrics that Matter: SMX Milan

Don’t expect a conversation about Bounce Rates, and Rankings, and Page Authority and all the other completely obvious metrics that digital marketers love to geek out on. Don’t get me wrong, *every* metric can be useful for its own purpose, it’s just that they don’t necessarily have an impact on any outcome, whatsoever. Huh? Well, […]

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Predictably Vague: Statistics for Marketing, SEO and Conversion Rate Optimisation

Thank you to all of you who attended what was our most successful webinar yet! In this webinar, it’s all about the numbers. As marketers, we live in an age of increasingly complex data. Many of the tools we deal with day to day have complex maths at their core, and whether you’re doing CRO, […]

The post Predictably Vague: Statistics for Marketing, SEO and Conversion Rate Optimisation appeared first on SEOgadget.

How to Build the Moz Keyword Difficulty Tool in Excel with Moz and SEMrush

How exciting is that? By combining SEMrush’s “phrase_organic” with Moz’s URL Metrics API call, you can cobble together a prototype keyword difficulty tool. My example in this video is a bit scrappy, but I’m sure you get the point: Check out the rest of our instructional videos on your Youtube channel: No SEMrush Account? If […]

The post How to Build the Moz Keyword Difficulty Tool in Excel with Moz and SEMrush appeared first on SEOgadget.