Archive for the ‘Webmater’ Category

Statistics for Conversion Rate Optimisation – SEOgadget Webinar

It’s been far too long since we’ve run a webinar here at SEOgadget, so to bring them back with a bang we’ve got something rather special lined up. Following an extremely popular session at London’s Conversion Conference, Pete Wailes will be running through his presentation on ‘Mislead by the Numbers – Stats for Conversion Optimizers’. […]

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Find New and Lost Back Links with MajesticSEO and SEOgadget for Excel

One of the most pressing issues in current SEO strategy is developing your ability to monitor new links, and track lost links. It’s a sad fact of our day to day lives as marketers in search. Some of our time doesn’t get spent on marketing at all, it gets spent on undoing bad marketing through […]

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Grepwords – Powerful Keyword Research without Adwords

Google took away the Keyword Tool, and pretty much every SEO Agency’s API access earlier this year. Let’s not hold it against them, though, because Grepwords is amazing and it’s available in SEOgadget for Excel. You’ll remember that for the longest time, I’ve taught keyword research and categorisation methodologies using our Adwords API Extension for Excel. […]

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SEOgadget for Excel: How to Get Your Back Link Data with MajesticSEO’s API

One of the biggest problems we’ve always had with our new users getting to a confident user level with SEOgadget for Excel is simply put, the level of accessibility of the documentation. Learning a completely new syntax for 6 different API services is, hard. I really hope we’re helping there with the instruction manual, but […]

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Creating Efficient Data Collection Systems for SEO and Social

As marketers we only have so many hours in the day. Nothing is worse than having your team spend time on menial tasks (like data entry) when there’s real work to do. That’s why it’s crucial for managers to create efficient systems – so teams can get more accomplished and make a bigger impact. Most data […]

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The “Big” Content Promotion Tip That’ll Save You a Lot of Pain: Never Fail.

A good marketer knows when his idea sucks. Yet many marketers I come across relentlessly push their content without thought for one fundamental influencing factor of its likely success: appeal. You have all been involved, at some stage in your careers in a flawed attempt to be creative. You’ve had a “great” idea, everyone in […]

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SMX Stockholm 2013 – Google Analytics for SEO

This morning I had the pleasure of coming back to SMX Stockholm for a second year, this time to join a session on Google Analytics for SEO alongside Nikki Rae.  Instead of running through Analytics from purely a reporting perspective, I decided to give the topic a little twist and focus more on how to […]

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Introducing SEOgadget for Excel

For the longest time I’ve loved working with Excel in new ways. Our plugins for Excel have been hugely popular in the SEO community and today I’m hopeful you’ll love the next generation of our Excel Extensions, SEOgadget for Excel. Get the Brand New Downloadable PDF Guide There are lots of headlines for features, the […]

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Be Careful Sharing Your Internal Dashboards [And How to Remove Content From Google]

As Geckoboard suggests, “All of Your Data in One Place.” Quite. But maybe not in Google’s search results. It looks like a few users of Geckoboard who have opted to share a dashboard might not realise that their data could be in plain view of users who understand how to execute a simple site search query in […]

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Scraping Schema Markup for Competitive Intelligence

Structured mark up is crucial for e-commerce websites if they want to stand out in the SERPs. Because e-commerce sites are generally set up to scale, scraping all of their information is very easy. All it takes is a Screaming Frog crawl and Outwit Hub. For dropshippers and affiliate sites, harvesting competitor data within schema […]

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