Archive for the ‘Webmater’ Category

Why Your Expensive, Time-Consuming Content Doesn’t Work.

Which question would you kick-off a content strategy with? What do we put on our landing pages and in our white papers and on our blog? What gets our audiences excited or helps them do their job better? You might say #2 because it sounds right, and you’ve probably thought about this before. But check […]

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The Future of Local Discovery is About the Story, Not the Place

Did I say the future? I mean the now. “Local” discovery in our books has historically been highly focused on optimizing for the right category, address, keywords, location, etc. What are people searching for in San Francisco? Make a page for it! But which one of these descriptions of the same place below is more […]

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Vanity Check: “Keyword Intelligence Tools”

It’s not about the tools you have, it’s about how you interpret the data. Most importantly, it’s how you evaluate what your data is really telling you. Look at this chart: Now, ask yourself what you see. Say it out loud, or in your head, whatever. I bet the first thing you said was: “The […]

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301 Redirect or A Google Webmaster Tools Change Of Address?

Or both? It is both, obviously. When you carry out an effective domain migration, there are a lot of changes at stake. If you follow a clear process for your site, things usually go according to plan. Have you heard the adage about car mechanics always have the worst cars? Or decorators have the least well […]

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SOLID UI: Bringing Development Thinking to User Interface Design

Over the past n years, I’ve been doing 3 different things: marketing (10), UX (7), and development (more than I’ll admit to). More recently, I’ve been building a bunch of interesting things for the team at SEOgadget, ranging from Twitter Streaming API storage and infrastructure, to a project management system, and a reporting suite. What […]

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Facebook “Like” Hijacking and Buying – Documentary

Some weeks ago, we took part in a documentary called “How hackers are hijacking your Facebook ‘likes’”. The program was originally broadcast on Channel 4 (UK) on the 2nd August 2013 and covered the story of Facebook accounts being compromised illegally to go on to be used to promote products and services the owner would otherwise be […]

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Mining User Data in Excel with the FullContact API

Recognized and prominent brands (like Target) are turning to big data to mine user information to find the best ways to reach and retain their customer base. Why let the big guys have all the fun? If you have a list of your users’ email addresses you can access your users’ personally identifiable information and social profiles. All […]

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Persuasive Presentations: Want Something? Get It.

My last year at Yahoo! was mostly boss-less, and I needed several thousand dollars to implant some expensive social media tools for the Yahoo! Media properties. So I called upon Alan H. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, a persuasion tactic passed on to me by my career coach at the time, Schweta Khare. I pieced together a […]

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Think Bigger: There’s a Glaring Marketing Industry Opportunity Up for Grabs

SEO, we’ve got a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) to address. It’s clear the SEO industry is changing in new and different ways. It’s not as much about the latest new tactic as it is about the latest shift in paradigm. We’re not just asking questions like “how do I address this code issue?” but […]

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We Shouldn’t Care About PageRank

Last week at Mozcon, I was asked a question in the live QA. The question went a little like this: “Can you tell me why some of my internal pages don’t have PageRank, even though they rank well in the search results?” Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve spent years finding myself fascinated by detailed […]

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