Yatta Solutions ist ein Software- und Beratungshaus und unterstützt Sie bei Planung, Analyse und Umsetzung von Softwarelösungen zur Optimierung Ihrer Geschäfts- und...
Software development tools for java, .net, php, ruby, xml, javascript, ajax, database, software testing, project management, agile, configuration management
Yaz?l?m Mimarisi ile ilgili olan blogumuz da teknik yakla??mlar,mühendislik kavramlar? ve kalite olgusu konular?nda çe?itli kaynaklar bulabilirsiniz.
UML design and business analysis tool for modeling, documenting, reverse engineering, building and maintaining object-oriented software systems, fast and intuitive. Great...
Unified Modeling Language (UML) - No Magic, one of the most respected providers of standards-compliant modeling, simulation and analysis solutions in the industry, No Magic is...
Visual Paradigm, a software design tool tailored for agile software projects. It supports UML, BPMN, ERD, DFD, SysML. It also supports use cases, wireframeing, code engineering,...
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